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Christ’s Humanity Makes the Invisible Visible

December 25, 2022 Speaker: Kevin Nelson Series: Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity

Passage: Colossians 1:15-20

Takeaway: The miracle of Christmas was not just a sign that there is a God, Christ’s humanity also reveals to us who this God is and what he is like. The poem in Colossians 1 reflects on how Jesus is the same God of the Bible, a God who creates us to know him. He comes in Jesus at Christmas to reconcile us to himself. The question for you, in light of Christmas, is how will you respond to his coming?

More in Advent Series: Celebrating Christ’s Humanity

December 18, 2022

The Necessity of Christ's Bodily Resurrection

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Jesus Becomes Our Brother to Lead Us into a New Family

November 27, 2022

Christ’s Life of Obedience